Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao unveiled Dhobi Ghat on DVD, Blu-ray and Music CD. Released by Excel Home Entertainment, the unveiling was done in Crossword bookstore, Mumbai. The Blu-ray+DVD was also launched in a special edition gift set which also includes the painting by Aamir’s character in the film (originally painted by Ravi Mandlik) and a picturesque diary designed by Sukanya Ghosh along with DVD, Blu-ray and Music CD. The event featured an exclusive chat by the talented couple on the movie anchored by film critic Naresh Fernandez with live questions from the audiences. The consumers of the DVDs & Blu-rays will also stand a chance to watch Aamir’s forthcoming Talaash with the superstar on the first day of its release.
Says Aamir Khan, “Fans of the film have been waiting patiently for the official release and I am most pleased that the DVD and Blu-ray of Dhobi Ghat has finally released. I believe it is the finest film coming out of my production house and we wanted to spare no effort in ensuring that it is of the highest quality, and something special that the fans can be happy owning as their own. I think the section of ‘deleted scenes’ will be most interesting to viewers. And of course, as always, the DVD & Blu-ray also has special provisions for the visually impaired.”
Says Kiran Rao, "The Blu-ray and DVD of Dhobi Ghat (Mumbai Diaries) are a labour of love as they have been packed with numerous special features like deleted scenes, alternate endings and a director's commentary, which I hope will appeal to film enthusiasts and people who have enjoyed the film! The gift set of Steelbook Blu-Ray, DVD, music CD and mementos from the film I think are very unique and special."
The Music CD include tracks by International artist and 13 times Grammy and two times Academy Award winner Gustavo Santaolalla (Brokeback Mountain, Amores Perros, The Motorcycle Diaries). The hit track ‘Ghat‘ (composed by Gustavo Santaolalla and Aamir Khan) will also be featured in the Music CD.
Says M.N Kapasi, CEO, Excel Home Entertainment, “We thank Aamir Khan Productions for the continued association with Excel Home Entertainment after Lagaan, Peepli Live, Delhi Belly and now Dhobi Ghat. Our association has inspired us to raise the bar in terms of quality and innovations both in product and packaging.”
Says Aamir Khan, “Fans of the film have been waiting patiently for the official release and I am most pleased that the DVD and Blu-ray of Dhobi Ghat has finally released. I believe it is the finest film coming out of my production house and we wanted to spare no effort in ensuring that it is of the highest quality, and something special that the fans can be happy owning as their own. I think the section of ‘deleted scenes’ will be most interesting to viewers. And of course, as always, the DVD & Blu-ray also has special provisions for the visually impaired.”
Says Kiran Rao, "The Blu-ray and DVD of Dhobi Ghat (Mumbai Diaries) are a labour of love as they have been packed with numerous special features like deleted scenes, alternate endings and a director's commentary, which I hope will appeal to film enthusiasts and people who have enjoyed the film! The gift set of Steelbook Blu-Ray, DVD, music CD and mementos from the film I think are very unique and special."
The Music CD include tracks by International artist and 13 times Grammy and two times Academy Award winner Gustavo Santaolalla (Brokeback Mountain, Amores Perros, The Motorcycle Diaries). The hit track ‘Ghat‘ (composed by Gustavo Santaolalla and Aamir Khan) will also be featured in the Music CD.
Says M.N Kapasi, CEO, Excel Home Entertainment, “We thank Aamir Khan Productions for the continued association with Excel Home Entertainment after Lagaan, Peepli Live, Delhi Belly and now Dhobi Ghat. Our association has inspired us to raise the bar in terms of quality and innovations both in product and packaging.”
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