सोमवार, 5 दिसंबर 2011

Kashmera Shah turns into aman!

 As if beating up a contestant while shooting her latestreality show Steal Ur Girlfriend for Channel [V] wasn’t enough, Kashmera Shah,who anchors it in true-blue chick-flick style, has now turned into a man forit.Yes! You heard it right! Kash has disguised herself as a guyfor the latest episode of the show! Ask her why and she shoots, “Sometimes youhave to think like the enemy to win the war. I am not interested in smallrelationship battles, but more in knowing what makes the men think and behavein a certain way.” “Moreover, some girls are pretty stubborn and can only beconvinced by men. Hence, I had to disguise myself to fool one such girl andgive her the much-needed advice from a ‘man’.”
Steal Ur Girlfriend has Kashmera playing a guiding angel,helping out helpless lovers turn from zeroes to heroes and steal girlfriends ofother guys!
Whether the contestant finally took Kash’s advice or not isto be seen, but more than that it’ll be fun to check out how her smarty-pants boyfriendKrushna reacts when he watches the show and finds out that she actually raidedhis wardrobe for playing the part of a man.“Krushna is always borrowing my wigs to play a gal on ComedyCircus, so I’ve got back at him by flicking some of his clothes,” winks Kash.“But I guess, when Krushna sees me on air, he would feel proud. Even as a man,I look sexier than any other man”.

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