For the first time in Bollywood, Tigmanshu Dhulia has directed two scenes forSanjay Mishra’s directorial debut film ‘PRANAM-WALEKUM’ which has been acceptedby the debutant director Sanjay Mishra. When Tigmanshu saw the film, heimmediately fell in love with it. This is when Sanjay asked him to direct twoscenes for him as a ‘good-luck charm’ and Tigmanshu agreed. “We had some scenesleft that were to be shot in Mumbai and Tigmanshu immediately grabbed thisoffer. Sanjay and Tigmanshu are very good friends and he is doing this forSanjay. In fact he will be directing Irrfan Khan”, comments the producerSandiip Kapoor. Except for these two scenes that will be shot on the weekend,PRANAM-WALEKUM has moved into post production. First copy is expected to be outin January 2012.
Says Tigmanshu “Sanjay is very goodfriend and it’s not from now, in fact, we know each other from our dramaschooling days. We are from the same batch of NSD. When I heard the script andso the rough copy of PRANAM WALEKUM I fell in love immediately and offered myfull support and encouragement. PRANAM WALEKUM is Sanjay’s debut as a directorso I am present here for my buddy. I am just directing 2 scenes for Sanjay.”
Says Irrfan “Being a senior toSanjay at NSD, I am very happy to hear that Sanjay has moved into direction.For a debut film, Sanjay has done excellent work and I am happy to be a part ofSanjay’s debut and assist him in every way I can.”
Asthe title suggests, ‘PRANAM-WALEKUM’, with its tongue in cheek humor, is afunny and satirical poke at life.
Producedby Sandiip Kapur and co-produced by Bhushan Sharma , star cast of the film isGiselli Monteiro, Vijay Raaz, Manu Rishi, Shilpa Shukla, Manoj Pahwa, SanjayMishra, Vindu Dara Singh and others. Irrfan Khan is in guest appearance.
Producedunder the banner of Promodome Films, it is co-produced by Bhushan Sharma whilemusic is given by Amit Mishra.
Says Tigmanshu “Sanjay is very goodfriend and it’s not from now, in fact, we know each other from our dramaschooling days. We are from the same batch of NSD. When I heard the script andso the rough copy of PRANAM WALEKUM I fell in love immediately and offered myfull support and encouragement. PRANAM WALEKUM is Sanjay’s debut as a directorso I am present here for my buddy. I am just directing 2 scenes for Sanjay.”
Says Irrfan “Being a senior toSanjay at NSD, I am very happy to hear that Sanjay has moved into direction.For a debut film, Sanjay has done excellent work and I am happy to be a part ofSanjay’s debut and assist him in every way I can.”
Asthe title suggests, ‘PRANAM-WALEKUM’, with its tongue in cheek humor, is afunny and satirical poke at life.
Producedby Sandiip Kapur and co-produced by Bhushan Sharma , star cast of the film isGiselli Monteiro, Vijay Raaz, Manu Rishi, Shilpa Shukla, Manoj Pahwa, SanjayMishra, Vindu Dara Singh and others. Irrfan Khan is in guest appearance.
Producedunder the banner of Promodome Films, it is co-produced by Bhushan Sharma whilemusic is given by Amit Mishra.
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