Makers of Barfi have decided to keep Priyanka Chopra's character Jhilmil under wraps completely. While she will be there in all promotions and will be the face of communication alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Illena Dsouza, her character Jhilmil, journey of her character and her story will not be revealed at all and will be hidden completely.
Extra care would be taken to hide her character. A source close to the unit explains, "Jhimil is a surprise package and it needs to be treated like that. We don't want to unveil all cards at the same time. The first theatrical establishes Barfi and his character. Every new unit would be introduced to showcase a little more of the film. However Jhilmil wont be revealed till the release".
Shikha Kapur, executive director, marketing, studios, Disney UTV, says, "Priyanka plays a very special character in Barfi, so we want to keep her mystery intact. In the first trailer Barfi- played by Ranbir- will be unveiled. We don't plan to reveal Priyanka until the film releases."
In fact in the first trailer, Anurag Basu has beautifully hidden her. While she is there, you are left searching what's her character like, what is she doing and looking for her.
First trailer will be unveiled next week.
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