Priya Anand, who made her big screen Bollywood debut as Sridevi’s niece in English Vinglish has signed her third film in Bollywood, second being Priyadarshan’s Hindi remake of Nadodigal, titled Rangrez opposite Jackky Bhagnani. The actress has now clinched a lead role in Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s Fukrey opposite Pulkit Samrat. The movie is set against a college backdrop.
A source adds, " Priya is a big name down south. Ever since her big break in English Vinglish she has been getting many offers. The scripts that are coming her way are really good."
When contacted, Ritesh Sidhwani confirmed the news. His spokesperson said, "Everyone loved Priya's performance in English Vinglish. This will be her first central potrayal in a youth-centric romantic film.The shoot starts next month in Delhi. "
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