Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, is back with a bang again! His latest outing Khiladi 786, which has been directed by Ashish R Mohan, has opened to a fantastic response at the Indian Box Office on the first day.
Eros International has reported that the much-awaited movie of the year Khiladi 786, has collected Rs 11.2 crores net at the Box Office on its first day.
The film which was released in 2,700 screens on December 7, has recorded fantastic amount of footfalls in both single screens and multiplexes in the morning and matinee shows across the country.
Khiladi 786 has got thumbs up from viewers across the country, and now a positive word of mouth is expected to take its collection roaring high over the weekend. Trade experts say that it is likely to find its place among the highest grosser of the year 2012.
Watch This Space for more updates on the collections of Khiladi 786.
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