India’s leading fashion power house Provogue and one of the top lifestyle magazines in India Maxim came together to launch the latest cover of the December issue of the magazine with sultry cover girl, Sarah Jane Dias at F Bar today. The highlights of the star-studded evening included a stunning fashion show with well-known models choreographed by Bunty Grewal and a stand- up comedy act by entertainer Papa CJ. Guests like Tamara Moss, Ushoshi Sengupta, Siddharth Rawal, Siddharth Kannan, Alex O’ Neil, Arjun Bajwa, Rocky S, Vardhaman Choksi, Pravin Dey, Rohit Roy, Sarah Jane Dias, Surprit Bedi, Subi Samuel, Praveen Sirohi amongst others.
Maxim has been at forefront of the most rocking events and nightlife for the last 6 years, and wants to felicitate and recognise the best of the best in terms of nightlife in India. The winners were selected across 16 categories through reader responses, customer reviews, news worthiness and expert opinions. The Provogue Maxim Nightlife Awards was presented to the winners by famous celebrities, who were present to support and encourage the recipients. The grand awards night saw a stand- up act by ace comedian Papa CJ and a fashion show put together by Provogue, kick-starting it’s much talked about ‘Epic Tour’. The evening concluded with Cover Girl, Actress and Ex-Beauty Queen Sarah-Jane Dias unveiling the inaugural edition of RAVEN from MAXIM, the most definitive guide on nightlife.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Vivek Pareek, Editor, Maxim, said, “What makes a great party for a real guy is the complete package; a good place, some good booze, some good music, a good shirt, and a good experience. We recognise this, and want to award the best of the things that make the party really rock at our first ever Provogue Maxim Nightlife Awards.”
Adding on Mr. Nikhil Chaturvedi, MD, Provogue said,“We are very pleased to be associated with the Provogue Maxim Nightlife Awards. The awards are specially designed to recognize and felicitate the best names in the industry It indeed is also a perfect platform to launch our first ever epic nights in the city which stress on our re-branding strategies going forward.”
Provogue Epic Tour is a multi-city engagement that aims to reach out to a vast and varied consumer base of fashion aficionados and music enthusiasts across the country. The tour will travel across 14 cities in India covering Pune, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Indore, Bhopal, Amritsar, Jaipur, & Raipur amongst others may be added. Provogue will play host to high fashion evening parties that will focus on highlighting “epic moments” in the world of entertainment through dance, fashion and music.
Indeed the evening was an epic entertainer of sorts with a classic blend of new age music and cutting edge fashion.
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