Unveils a Massive Movement to Celebrate India
India has arrived. But who owns Brand India?
Who are our brand ambassadors?
Do Indians believe in the power of being Indian?
The questions are simple, but the answers are not! Shailendra Singh launched the ‘MADE IN INDIA’ project, a United Welfare Trust initiative, on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 in Mumbai. With an objective to celebrate, promote and build Brand India, Shailendra Singhunveiled the ‘MADE IN INDIA’ logo, launched the website iammadeinindia.com and the manifold initiatives that would encompass this original and positive non-profit movement. Joining him in launching this first of it’s kind movement were Former captain of Indian cricket team - Mr Kapil Dev, CEO Future Group- Mr Kishore Biyani, Author - Mr Amish Tripathi, Limca Award Winning Endurance Runner – Ms Sumedha Mahajan, and the Youngest Indian to Climb Mt. Everest - Mr Arjun Vajpai.
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