History was created yet again on Indian television’s most iconic game show Kaun Banega Crorepati 2012 as the show got its first jackpot winner of this season. The moment was resonant when Sunmeet Kumar Sawhney, a mere 12th pass housewife took the honors of being the first woman ever to lift the jack pot; Panch Koti Gyaan Kumbh amounting to Rupees 5 crores on this widely held game show.
success of Sunmeet Kaur Sawhney is an emphatic endorsement of the fact that the
show is not just a game show, but a melting pot of knowledge and aspirations of
the nation thereby proving “Sirf Gyan Hi Apko Apka
Haq Dilata Hai”. Leading the way, Kaun Banega Crorepati over the years has
broken all barriers of demography and geography and transformed lives of people
all across the country. For the housewife as well as tuition teacher Sunmeet
Kaur Sawhney, knowledge was the key to success and it was rightly proven in her
case. A housewife and mother of two, Sawhney gives tuitions to young children
in her vicinity to add to the family income. She was impeccable when on the
‘Hot Seat’ and tackled all questions with self-assurance, tact and ease. Her
sheer determination and quench for knowledge and the support that she got from
her family throughout, primarily her husband, gave her the willpower and courage
to attempt the jackpot question.
37-year-old woman had
not dreamt that she would win Rs five crore on KBC. “My parents wanted me to
study further but considering my grandfather's poor health and his wish to see
me getting married I couldn't study more. After marriage I got caught up in
household chores and responsibilities. It was when I underwent a surgery that I
took a decision of taking tuitions at home. I truly believe that knowledge is
the key to success. It is not about how qualified one is, even by keeping
yourself updated with current affairs one can become knowledgeable," she said.
Though she could not get the opportunity to study more, Sawhney says she will
ensure that her two daughters get the best possible education.
And talking about
the very own legend and show host Amitabh Bachchan, Sunmeet adds “Bachchan
sir has been very lucky for me. I want to set an example to all housewives that
they can also win,” Mr. Bachchan too shared his excitement on Sunmeet’s
winning and congratulated her. He added, “I’m
very happy that a lady has won 5 crores on KBC and she played the game in the
most wonderful way possible. Never did she look tensed or perplexed during any
of the questions.”
history in the making on Kaun Banega Crorepati on 11th and 12th January
respectively at 8:30 p.m. only on
Sony Entertainment Television
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