Fox Star Studios’ first independent production, Jolly LLB directed by Subhash Kapoor, has managed to gross INR 50 cr at the box office world wide. With a domestic gross of 46.7 cr and 3.3 cr overseas, the film has been declared the biggest hit of 2013 so far by the trade. Made on a budget of INR 13.5 cr including PnA,the film went into profit from the first week of its release! Thanks to the audiences and the critics who gave it a thumbs up, Jolly LLB beat the competition from big ticket releases for three weeks in a row and is now set to enter the fourth week.
Post the release, Jolly LLB has been in news over its remake rights that are being sought by the film makers in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam , making it one of the very few films ever from the Hindi film industry, which will be remade in the South. A court room drama like never before, the film has also managed to gain tremendous response from the leading lights of the tinsel town with Amitabh Bachchan , Akshay Kumar, Arbaaz Khan, Juhi Chawla and host of others showering praise.
Vijay Singh, CEO, Fox Star Studios, India concludes: “ We at Fox Star Studios are in a celebratory mood thanks to the mighty success of Jolly LLB, which is our first full fledged production. With that, we have become the first international studio to deliver an independent clean hit in the Hindi film industry. Jolly LLB’s success has reinforced our belief that if there is great content, there will be audience. Keeping that in mind, FSS is gearing up for an exciting line up of films about which you will hear very soon.”
And so, for Jolly LLB, its Taareef pe Taareef pe Taareef… !
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