This American sitcom chronicles around the lives of three past-their-prime entertainment industry veterans from Los Angeles, Melanie, Joy and Victoria who find solace in Cleveland.
The end of third season saw an unidentified baby left on the door steps of the ladies’ apartment which leads to chaos. Moving on, the new season starts with revealing the baby’s identity. On the other hand, Elka is frustrated with Pierre's lack of interest in her and plots a rather drastic move by wooing his brother, Etienne. Melanie gets a new job in a PR firm, which lands her in a love triangle between her boss Chloe and her boss's ex-husband Alec. Victoria gets a part in a Woody Allen movie, but is frustrated because she receives her script lines one at a time. The season starts with a big bang question…whose baby is it?
~ If you already know, Great! But if you don’t then tune in to “Hot in Cleveland” starting August 5, 2013, Monday - Thursday at 10.00pm exclusively on Comedy Central ~
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