Sony Entertainment Television popular cops Inspector Daya and Abhijeet were recently mobbed on the streets of Mumbai. An insider informs that the duos were seen shooting for a special Dabbawalla’s episode for CID which was shoot around the backdrop of Mumbai locales. It is known that as they were shooting on the streets and local areas the fans were seen gathering around them just to catch a glimpse of their favourite cops. Only after the crowd was controlled the team could resume back to their shooting. The upcoming episode of CID will be revolving around a murder mystery in Mumbai where the Dabbawalla’s will be accused for the murder.
गुरुवार, 6 मार्च 2014
Inspector Daya and Abhijeet get mobbed
Sony Entertainment Television popular cops Inspector Daya and Abhijeet were recently mobbed on the streets of Mumbai. An insider informs that the duos were seen shooting for a special Dabbawalla’s episode for CID which was shoot around the backdrop of Mumbai locales. It is known that as they were shooting on the streets and local areas the fans were seen gathering around them just to catch a glimpse of their favourite cops. Only after the crowd was controlled the team could resume back to their shooting. The upcoming episode of CID will be revolving around a murder mystery in Mumbai where the Dabbawalla’s will be accused for the murder.
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