The upcoming movie Revolver Rani, slated to release on 25thApril surprisingly stars Kangana Ranaut and Vir Das in the lead. An unusual pair, Kangana Ranaut will be seen as a quirky, cool politically active local goon who talks and walks with guns easier than words, while Vir plays a toy boy who tries to woo Rani (Kangana) for his ulterior motives.
But what’s got people talking is the unusual and fresh pairing of
Vir Das and Kangana in the movie. Kangana is already creating a buzz this
year with her performance in Queen and before we know it, she is back again to be seen in a yet another unconventional role
in Revolver Rani.
While Vir has been doing small roles or multi-starrers in the
past, he will be seen as the main lead and romancing a lead actress for the
first time on screen. Both known to have a niche fan following will really be a
treat together for the audiences.
So let’s wait to
watch how the chemistry between the humorist and the fashionista sizzles on the
big screen.
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