CHHANDA Productions promoted by Partha Banerjee launched amidst a fun filled evening kicked off with saraswati vanadana and was attended by dignitaries from Film Industry. Unveiling the Production house logo, they announced the launch of its First Bollywood Film Titled “PRAPANCH”. The movie is backed by experienced and credible names from Bollywood and is slated to go on floor soon. Noted Lyricist and screenplay writer, Mehboob Kotwal, who has worked with talent powerhouse AR Rahman on several projects as Bombay, Album Maa Tujhe Salaam, Yuva, aparichit etc is doing the screenplay, dialogue and lyrics for Prapanch. Script is by Partha Banerjee.
CHHANDA PRODUCTION also launched its first Music Album “A Tribute to the Brave Hearts” dedicated to Indian Cricket Team, which is set to defend their WORLD CUP TITLE shortly. The songs sung be the debutant singer and music composer Shivamit who will also be doing a song for the movie PRAPANCH. The 23 year old Shivamit trained under the composer Narendra Nirmal and singer Sucharita Gupta of the acknowledged Banaras gharana.
The evening was enhanced with fusion band “Duel Spirit” playing the Indian Classical Rock and Folk Rock music The event was held on today 11th February 2014, at Country Club Andheri.
Address the media Partha Banerjee said “The objective of Chhanda Productions is to make good quality entertaining movies on national and international subjects. The Production house is also going to join other producers as releasing partners for good movies which are incapable to get to the theater. We believe that good products should be presented to the audience and they should decide the fate of such movies.”
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