Animal love on the popular historical show Bharat Ka Veer Putra Maharana Pratap on Sony Entertainment Television, has been much talked about. The actors are very much in love with the beautiful horses on the set which are a part of the show too. The white beauty – Chetak has been a stress buster for Maharana Pratap namely the talented actor Ssharad Malhotra on the set. As soon as he gets some free time from the shoot, Ssharad along with Rushiraj Pawar who essays the role of Patta in the show, go for horse riding. A source from the production house shares, “When Ssharad and Rushiraj gets time from the shoot schedule, they usually go for a horse ride as they really like it. Mostly they go for horse riding in evening where Ssharad along with Chetak and Rishiraj along with his horse take up a race on who will win.”
Well the picture truely proves their love for horse riding!
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