The popular crime based show Crime Patrol on Sony Entertainment Television, which has kept the viewers glued to their television screen with its riveting concept, recently completed a milestone of 750 episodes. On this occasion, there was a cake cutting ceremony arranged on the set of the show to celebrate its success. Everybody present on this occasion was overwhelmed with the response of the viewer’s towards the show and were seen enjoying the celebrations.
Speaking on the completion of the splendid journey of 750 episodes, the host of the show, Mr. Anup Soni quipped, "As we complete 750 episodes of Crime Patrol, all I want to say is that, it has been a great yet learning experience for me. I always wanted to contribute to the betterment of the society and then I was offered this show which deals with exposing societal truths. Also completing a milestone of 750 episodes would not have been successful without the right vision of Subbu & Neeraj and the hard work of the entire Creative and Production team. I want to give my special thanks to all our viewers for giving us an immense support throughout. We promise to continue show casing heart wrenching stories to spread the right message and awareness."
Well truly, the show has managed to entertain the viewers with its gripping stories So don’t miss to catch the beguiling episodes of the show every Friday to Sunday at 11pm only on Sony Entertainment Television.
Tune in to Sony Entertainment Television on 24th 25th and 26th @11pm
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