It was a fan moment for fourteen-year-old Rudra Soni who is set to play Bajirao in Sony Entertainment Television’s upcoming historic show, Peshwa Bajirao. Rudra Soni who played Bajirao’s son Nanasaheb in Bajirao Mastani has now been roped in to play the titular character on the show, Peshwa Bajirao.Rudra recently reunited with his onscreen father, Ranveer Singh, on the sets of the kids dance reality show, Super Dancer, where the 31-year-old actor joined the show’s judges, Shilpa Shetty, Anurag Basu and Geeta Kapur, for a guest appearance.“I was very excited to meet Ranveer SIngh after a long time. He gave me a tight hug and we did the ‘Har Har Mahadev’ act from the film which was fun. I feel fortunate to have got the chance to play Bajirao’s son and now, I get to be Bajirao on a show. Ranveer wished me luck,” an excited Rudra said, adding that he bagged the show because of his turn in the film.“The makers felt I would fit the bill as I could connect with Bajirao’s story. We have already begun shooting in Satara.”
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