शनिवार, 22 अप्रैल 2017


Stories by Joseph Radhik brings forth the first ever prestigious International photography conclave, ‘PEP Asia’ to India. A three day conference, PEP Asia features Global Masters from across the world to give wings to the aspiring photographers of India from the 21st of April to the 24th of April 2017. 
A unique initiative by one of India’s most illustrious and celebrated wedding photographers, an IPA New York Global First Place Awardee and the Founder of Stories -Joseph Radhik along with Joshua Karthik (CEO and co-founder of Stories) and Arjun Rajan (CEO, PEP) announce the four day extravaganza.
Get ready to witness the world’s leading artisan photographers, each one an expert and a changemaker in their field enlighten the audiences with their expertise! The prestigious line-up includes Pulitzer Prize Winner BRIAN SMITH, WPPI Grandmaster JERRY GHIONIS, Internationally acclaimed Moment Design inventor, JESH DE ROX, Mywed.com's Photographer of the Year MAURICIO ARIAS, IPA New York Global First Place JOSEPH RADHIK, Media specialist PATRICK COLPRON and Fear less Global Top Ten SIVA HARAN. 
Commenting on the inauguration, Mr Joseph Radhik said, 
“About 8 years ago is when wedding photography started changing in India, we went from studio bhaiyyas to shaadiwala to photographer and in Facebook we had first name last name as ‘Wedding Photography’. But in those 8 years and after that, not a lot has changed we moved from the studio to the candid photographer but its really about how to find deeper meaning, and I think all of us are privileged to shoot the biggest day of someone’s life and if we are taking on such a big responsibility, it is wonderful if we can do a meaningful job and that is the idea of PEP ASIA. “ 
Joshua Karthik commented, 
“The Idea Behind this is that, I think wedding photography in India needs and deserves a better ecosystem that we need to actually get together and work together to build a better future for ourselves, so that’s where the idea began and as the tagline says, “We are Stronger Together that was the original idea and we said is there a way to bring in international ideas and international concept, learnings to really propel us to the next step. That is why we have global greats like Jerry Ghionis,Brian Smith  and Jesh De Rox and everybody else who are all coming here to actually push us to the next step ,that’s the spirit behind PEP ASIA.” 
Brian Smith added, 
“Oh! This is fantastic to be here as part of PEP ASIA, this is great experience to come across ,unfortunately I’m a little bit jet lagged but I’m looking forward to experiencing all the fun in Mumbai over the next week.” 
Jerry Ghionis commented, 
“My wife Melissa and I have come to India and we are very very excited to be here. Coming to India was on our bucket list for many many years and we have been invited many times but we couldn’t make it. We are gonna spend some time to go to places after these presentations. At PEP Asia, to see so many photographers so excited to meet with us and connect the dots with them, I’m meeting up with so many Facebook friends here and everything makes me feel old as people have been saying that they’ve been following me for 8 -10 years and I’m like ‘Oh my god, I feel already old right now ‘. It’s very exciting to see such enthusiasm and the willingness to change. Literally I’ve been blown by the professionalism. I think coming here at this auditorium, the presentation, the lighting, the sound, the enthusiasm this very interview .I think it’s fantastic for the industry. It’s awesome. We are happy to be here” 
Jesh De Rox shared, 
“As I was talking about in my speech, I think the true power of humans is when we are able to connect and share ideas and little bits of wisdom and experience that we pick up along the way with each other. It’s how technology moves forward, it’s how innovation moves forward or how community gets build, its everything that makes us powerful as a species. All happens inside a community like this and creating spaces for this where people are comfortable and organised and you there’s an event set so people know where to come, I mean all that step is very logistical and not necessary glamorous but it is like what makes all of the amazing stuffs that’s gonna happen here make possible. So I love this, how these are guys are doing this and just from even a business point of view look at the numbers . I think these guys are right at the edge of explosion. So honoured to be here and I would love to be a part of it and continue” 

A journey that shall take every passionate photographer through the ABC’s (Art, Business and Craft) of photography. PEP Asia plans to introduce a whole new world to all the ambitious lovers of photography. PEP ASIA is a first at many levels with award winning photographers from across the globe on a single stage.

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