गुरुवार, 12 सितंबर 2019

A Hummingway Showase at NYFW

A Humming Way is inspired by the old world regalia of Rajasthan in India. The label’s taste in clothing is classic, with clean and modern sensibilities in monotones, cutting across the borders and corners of the world.

A Hummingway was the only Indian brand to showcase this season and has received large-scale accolades from the international community. Their collection the Matsutake: Woven with sheer beauty and adaptability this mushroom characterises the line with unmatched brilliance. The aura of the Matsutake emanates an emotion that signifies a ray of hope. The collection weaved and inspired from the priceless matsutake is a visual treat, a lesson in a mushroom!

Their collection ranges from approximately US $900 - $1800.

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