Zee TV recently introduced its new show, a unique love story of opposites Teri Meri Ikk Jindri that traces the love story and journey of Mahi and Jogi, who despite their starkly different personalities and outlook towards life, choose to walk together on the common path of love. Featuring television actress Amandeep Sidhu opposite popular television actor Adhvik Mahajan, the show has been receiving immense amount of love from all. The current track in particular where Mahi was all set to happily wed Arjun (Akash Mansukhani), the perfect match found by her family definitely got viewers curious to know what would unravel between Jogi and Mahi. However, before unveiling their story, the makers have brought in a new twist where a daughter (Mahi) will be seen facing an Agni-pareeksha to fight for her innocence against her very own family.
It’s been nothing short of a tough journey for
Mahi who has been crossing several hurdles the biggest being, an MMS that was
shared of her and Jogi by Gulshan (Manish Verma). Just when Mahi wished to
inform her family about them being framed, her worst fear came to life when her
and Jogi’s videos were played at a wedding leaving her entire family stunned
and ashamed of her behaviour. While Jogi
has been fighting for his innocence in a police station after being brutally
beaten up, Mahi will now be facing the biggest agni-pareeksha against her own
family where-in she would have just 24 hours to prove
Gulshan guilty and herself innocent.
Speaking about this track, Amandeep said, “This is
the most important and in fact, one of the proudest and biggest highlights of
Mahi’s life. Never has it been that we have seen a daughter having to prove
herself to her own family, but the upcoming track is definitely going to keep
viewers hooked and captivated to know what unveils in her life. While we
usually have lot of fun shooting on the sets, the particular sequence was
pretty intense, and I had to really put myself in Mahi’s shoes to feel that
determination and aggression to prove her worth. At a point of time the tears
were actually real and despite the scenes being mentally tiring, I have really
loved shooting the sequence. It’s like Mahi’s fight was like my own and I can’t
wait to see the audience’s reaction to it.”
While Mahi has put forth a 24-hr
challenge in front of her family, will she truly be able to prove her
innocence? With Pappu ji (Manoj Chandila) constantly planning and plotting
chaos in her life, will Gulshan get away this time too? Most importantly what will
happen when Roopa and Bishno realize that Mahi is responsible for what happened
to Jogi?
Tune into Teri
Meri Ikk Jindri every Monday to Saturday at 8 pm
only on Zee TV
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