सोमवार, 16 जुलाई 2012

Learn Film making while making afilm.

 Yes,this is the methodology and concept of ZEE Institute of Media Arts’ (ZIMA) newcourse ‘HAND ON FILM MAKING’, forwhich admissions are now open.
Tillnow, budding film makers had only one way of learning film making. That is toattend theory classes, do some practical work, attend some workshops and make aproject film to pass out. But now ZIMA has completely changed the scenario bylaunching Hands On Film Making coursewhich focuses on teaching film making to the students by making them a part ofa film. It focuses on Learning by doing.
Onlyway to become a successful film maker one needs to experience a film beingmade. Mr. Anshuman Choudhary, the General Manager of ZIMA who confirmed thedevelopment regarding this course, says, “Can you learn swimming withoutentering the pool? Can you learn cycling without actually riding one? Than howcan you learn film making without actually experiencing it. Film Making is anart and a craft. Art because it includes creativity and craft because it has aprocess too. Every year millions of budding film makers across the diverse landof India belonging to different cultures come to Mumbai to realize their dream.A dream of becoming a film maker, a dream of seeing their beautiful concepts onthe big screen. Armed with passion and willingness they keep their first stepin Mumbai hoping that their lives will change. But if passion alone could decidevictory, Napoleon would have ruled the world. Channelizing this passion in theright direction is equally important and that’s what this course aims at doing.It’s a great moment for ZIMA which according to me is one of the only instituteof India that focuses on the practical development of students. Keeping this inmind we have introduced this course. A student will learn film making byactually being a part of the film.”
Withthe brand backing of ZEE, this course will be highly beneficial to budding filmmaking talents of this country and when they complete the course they will be ONEFILM OLD. Adds Mr. Choudhary, “I am highly obliged that ZIMA gave me anopportunity to be a part of something as revolutionary as this. It’s indeed anhonor. A student will experience the process of filmmaking under an experiencedfilm maker. A student will be a part of every process the film goes throughright from pre production to production to post production and his name beingshown on the credit roll because credentials do matter a lot in our industry?”
Formore details regarding the course visit www.zimainstitute.com or
contact ZIMA on 022 2630 2937/38,9833 574 578, 9167 165 716.

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