शनिवार, 8 सितंबर 2012

She is been there for the little girls too, Valenka Walks for a Cause…

Valenka Alemao, one of India’s youngest politicians recently show stopped for Designer Verma at Kochi Fashion Week. No, this wasn’t just another fashion show. It was for a cause, the cause being ‘Save the girl Child.’
Valenka Alemao whose recently been in news & certainly deserves to be in because of her support to Football & the initiative that she has put forward opening up a Football Club in her home Ground Goa with players from Brazil, Australia, Nigeria & Indians as well.
Being the daughter of Goa’s PWD minister Mr. Churchill Alemao, she has been aware of her social & political responsibilities & has left no stone unturned for upliftment of Goa & does it wholly, solely & energetically be it Environment protection, Public Transportation, Women Empowerment & most importantly the prevailing situation of female feticide.
She has taken stringent measures to save the girl child & she agreed to walk for Verma since the cause had been something which is so close to her heart.
A firm believer of God Valenka Alemao Claims,” Youth are the future of our India. I would anything that it takes to work towards it. I am eagerly waiting for the day when I see absolutely no difference made between Genders. I can see it; a woman shall walk shoulder to shoulder with a Man with equal respect from the society.”

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