सोमवार, 17 सितंबर 2012

Suraj Laheru's JS Art Gallery inaugurati​on & the opening of its 1st exhibition

Well-known curator Suraj Laheru inaugurated his own art gallery, the JS Art Gallery in Santacruz (W) last evening. Actor Uvika Chaudhary and Bharat Patel did the inauguration while artists of the likes of Prithvi Soni, Kiran Chopra, Gautam Patole, Rupali Madan, Paramesh Paul, Subrata Sen, Varsha Vyas, Neeti Hegde, Neeta Pathare, Madhumita Bhattacharya, Sonalli Iyengar, Sharanu Alloli, Manoj Das, Rakhi Baid, Daxa Khandwala, Madhusudan Kumar, Ramji Sharma, Anand Panchal, Manoj Aher, Nitin Utge, Pravin Utge & many others poured in hordes to congratulate him. It was also the opening of the gallery's first group show titled "Assorted Medley".

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