मंगलवार, 19 नवंबर 2013

Adaalat- Saturday, 23rd November

Haunted House – Saturday, 23rd November @7.30 pm –  A family moves into a rented house. They are happy in the house and are glad that they shifted. Its evening time and the father and daughter are sitting at the dining table when the father calls out to his wife but there isn’t any answer.  All of a sudden we see the lights of the house go off and we see a silhouette approaching the man. He calls out to the silhouette saying that enough of the game their daughter is getting scared but there is no answer. Some weird noises can be heard from the approaching silhouette. All of a sudden we see the figure trying to strangle the man. The kid shouts out to the figure as if it is her mom and says she is hurting her dad. The lights come on we see the man dead and his wife on the floor fainted, the kid scared. KD takes up the case and the lady says she hasn’t killed her husband. She says it was the ghost she saw that must have killed her husband. However it is difficult to accept that as their daughter also saw her mother killing her dad but she tells KD that her mother loved her dad a lot but she doesn’t know what happened. How will KD solve this mystery? Did she kill her husband and now she is giving an excuse that it was a ghost?

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