शुक्रवार, 15 नवंबर 2013

Dr Kiran Bedi Releases Book – ‘Malala’ On International Children’s Day

http://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/?ui=2&ik=136e54ebdd&view=att&th=1425a8b3f3003299&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P83I_uKDyjMONkv8T_YiKvK&sadet=1384506474687&sads=0W3ZDTgt7FRhFW3cjpEgOwEbhXk·        Calls Malala – ‘the daughter of humanity’ who is also an inspiration for her own fight for social justice
·        CBI Director is a bujdil bureaucrat having no courage to face corrupt politicians. Termed Durga Shakti and Ashok Khemka, Indian “Malala”
Today, on the occasion of International Children’s Day, India’s first woman IPS officer and social activist Dr Ms Kiran Bedi, in presence of eminent audience and school children launched a book “Malala” by Dr Asha Vinod and Sarita Singh - on the life and struggle of Pakistan’s daughter the living legend Malala Yousafsai.
Addressing the school children and the eminent scholars like Mr. Rahul Dev, Mr. Prempal Sharma and social activist Ms Natasha Jain; Dr Kiran Bedi said, Malala at a very young age has not only given hope to millions of fair gender people in Pakistan’s Swat Valley alone, but has also given inspiration to social activist like her in India, who are fighting for social justice and corruption free society. “Behind Malala's courage are also her determined father Ziyauddin Yousafzai and her mother who are very passionate about their daughter’s education and the media which broke the news first for the world to know what Taliban was doing!” Dr Bedi added.
She urged to call 14th November every year as Malala Day. Dr Bedi said that fortunately educated people are coming in bureaucracy but they don’t have enough courage change and fight against corrupt system. She termed CBI director as a bujdil (coward) bureaucrat and call bureaucrats like Durga Shakti and Ashok Khemka as Indian examples of Malala phenomena.
“Malala and me have lot in common – we both have Pathan blood in our veins, out parents were hell bound for their daughters’ education and we both have courage to question the system,” Dr Bedi said, while revealing the school children, the recipe of becoming Malala.
While books on Malala are banned in Pakistani schools, Dr Bedi and other speakers like Rahul Dev urged Indian schools to add the book - ‘Malala’ by Dr Asha Vinod and Sarita Singh to be included in school curriculum in India, especially in Delhi municipal corporation run schools. While talking on occasion the Director of Hind Pocket Books Mr. Shekhar Malhotra, who also run a literary CSR for girl child said, “We need one Malala in every house, so that the second struggle of independence of India against corruption, social injustice and violence against women, can be won.”
Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani school pupil and education activist from Swat District of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. She is known for her activism for rights to education and for women, especially in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. The 16 year teenager was nominated for Nobel Prize for peace this year.
ABOUT AUTHORS                                                          
Published by Hind Pocket Books  the book ‘Malala’ in Hindi language is written by Dr Asha Vinod and Sarita Singh, who have also written biography of Steve Jobs and a book on “God’s Particle”.
The extraordinary legend of paperback publishing was pioneered by Hind Pocket Books. In 1959 a set of ten paperbacks were published in Hindi for the first time. This was a major breakthrough in Indian Publishing. Ever since, Hind Pocket Books has been the fastest growing publishing house in India with 6000 titles published in last 55 years. Starting with publishing in Hindi, today it publishes books in many languages including English, Urdu, Punjabi, Bangla and Malayalam. Hind Pocket Books is the umbrella company for a host of imprints which publish books that cater to the needs of different segments of society and specializations.

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