गुरुवार, 2 जून 2016

Sangeeta Vardhan recipient of The Best Anchor of the Year Award at Business & Entertainment Global Awards 2016

Best known for her anchoring skills, Sangeeta Vardhan carved her name on the trophy of The Best Anchor of the year awards at Business & Entertainment Global Awards.
Overwhelmed with the response, Sangeeta said "I am so happy to have received the award for the best anchor at one of the most prestigious awards ceremonies of the year. I am overwhelmed that my work and talent has been appreciated on such a grand scale"Displaying Sangeeta Vardhan received The Best Anchor of the Year Award from Comedian Ehsaan Qureshi at Business & Entertainment Global Awards 2016.JPGDisplaying Sangeeta Vardhan received The Best Anchor of the Year Award from Comedian Ehsaan Qureshi at Business & Entertainment Global Awards 2016.JPGDisplaying Sangeeta Vardhan received The Best Anchor of the Year Award from Comedian Ehsaan Qureshi at Business & Entertainment Global Awards 2016.JPGDisplaying Sangeeta Vardhan received The Best Anchor of the Year Award from Comedian Ehsaan Qureshi at Business & Entertainment Global Awards 2016.JPG

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