गुरुवार, 23 नवंबर 2017

Mrunal Jain unplugged

You’ve been part of the television industry for almost nine years now. What is the turning point in your career?
> Yes, It's been nine years that I have been the part of the industry and it's been a quite good journey. I must say that the turning point of my career started from 2008 when I was doing Mahabharat but actually the pick time came when I grab the role of Uttaran. Uttaran has actually been very special to me because it was like not only a show for me but it was a career making show for me because 2012 changed  my whole life as I entered Uttaran as a negative character and it just went, I never knew that I would be turning into a positive role and then I would be playing the lead and I would become the lead. 2016, Uttaran ended and I did Uttaran for two and a half years and that was the show which was one of the longest running show as a lead and it's given me a lot. In fact, I have been called to Indonesia because of Uttaran. So Uttaran will be really close to my heart and will be my changing phase of that life which came. Of course, I got married during those two and a half years. 
A blast from the past- tell us how you got into the television world?
> Talking about how I got into the Television, it's very filmy because it's a saying that when your mother's dream becomes your dream. So my mom always wishes that I be something of my own, I have my own identity so that made me do something which I never thought I am able to do. So 2004, 2005 and 2006 I was with my dad in our business and there was this modelling competition I would say Mr India and Ms India which was made by Maureen Wadia. So I filled up the form in 2006 and started preparing for it.  In 2007, I was selected amongst the best 21 contestants. We were trained for a month and then I was there in the top five. That's when I thought if I entered into something I should not only give my 100% but more than that so I started doing a lot of fashion shows and fashion weeks. So then I thought it's time to take the next step, so I started taking acting workshop and 2008 was my first break in Kahani Humare Mahabharat Ki and that's the way it happened and the whole journey began. 
How did you feel facing the camera for the first time?
> Yes this was very nervous because first time ever when I faced the camera, I was for an audition for an ad. I never knew how profile was given, I never knew how the introduction to be given, I never knew how to act so basically I used to go and watch other model's ads and the commercials and everything. Even when they used to give the auditions, I used to try to act like them, copying them. I can say I used to try like just do it the way you get selected. So very nervous because a lot of retakes I used to give and I used to get very confused because never used to get any ad at that time. So the first time was pretty nervous, people were watching me, the other models very watching me. So the nervousness of people watching you was always there in my head and that made me always conscious and nervous in front of the camera. 
What’s the one skill wish you have developed earlier?
> The one skill wish which I always thought I could have developed earlier was the kind of martial arts and the kind of training Tiger Shroff done, though if I can just do it few 10 years back. I know it's not too late I am trying to catch a hold of that martial arts. Soo lets hope so the time I get not as good as Tiger Shroff but closer to him. 
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to your character?
> The craziest thing I have done to my character is in Nagarjuna. I only had one guy in my head and it was Heath Ledger of The Dark Knight, how bad he can yet so keep you hooked up. So I had the mind whenever I used to go on the camera, face the camera with Shankchurn's outfit, I used to make sure that I look, the devil, I look evil and very sexy devil which is very desirable. So the one thing which I really did was trying to get that the devilish look instead of having that positive face and wearing those lenses and putting that bliss and making it psychotic was one of the craziest things I did with Nagarjuna's character. 
Most of your characters have a flip side. First antagonist and then turning into a protagonist. Is it a coincidence or you chose it?
> Yes, most of my characters have a flip side always. I don't know why it's been like always, I guess God has chosen it like that. So whenever I entered a show I have always been negative and suddenly I changed into positive. I don't know whether I should take it as a positive side or a negative side. Either I play negative very good or I look positive. So I guess it's a chosen destiny that may be when I turned into positive they had made sure that I look the positive part and negative part also. So there have always been two characters and I am lucky that my audience has accepted me as a negative character and as a positive character in the same show. So I have been the bady and I have been the good. I feel the connection level when I feel the bad and the goody level. 
What is your favourite genre of fiction? Any particular space you’re looking for?
> The kind of fiction that I would want to do is, of course, there are a lot of desires I want to do. I want to play a bad guy, I want to play a superhero and lot of things which I have not done. A lot of things came to me in a very unexpected way. I really don't know if I wish sometimes and that comes true. I never imagined about Nagarjuna but it was a blessing to me because it gave me a shade of negative as well as positive. So I feel that the kind of space I am looking at, of course, a rough and tough role more on the lines of Hrithik Roshan, Ajay Devgan. When it comes to stylish more on the lines of Saif Ali Khan, the kind of roles he does. These are the few roles I am looking at and the few projects come on television and I get a chance do it. So sorely place I could look for my self right now. 
How did you cope up with the very tough and demanding schedule of television?
> Talking about how do I cope up with the very tough and demanding schedule of television is that's the way our life is, nothing comes easily and there are no free lunches in this world. So entertainment industry is very difficult in this world. Nobody knows the story behind the camera but only what people see they will see that only. So I feel it's a challenge to face the situations in any kind of situations like if it's come for me, I have done Nagarjuna for ten months, I had to be fit, look good, six pack abs, that's what my character demands from me. So that was the challenge to me to cope up with the demand of my character. So nothing is easy in life I feel whether it's business, whether it's acting, it's only about how an which level you want to take it. So I feel it's all upon the individual's personality and choice that how do you want to go about it. Even life is not that easy, everyone is facing some or the other problems and tough times, so if it is not tough you won't enjoy it. So I am happy that it's not easy for me. 
You were a  part of Indonesian shows too, so how are Indian stars perceived in Indonesia?
> Oh! Talking about Indonesia and Indonesian shows, I never knew this before the time I had come to Indonesia, it's really huge. The shows are very popular in Indonesia and especially the shows which are made in India are been telecasted in Indonesia, are been dubbed in the Indonesian language which is Bahasa and the fan following of all the Indian artist of which for the kinds of shows running here is huge. So Indian stars really appreciate it and this is one country where Indian actors are loved unconditionally whether it's audience, whether it's channel, whether it's anybody. it's like I can definitely say that this kind of love one can see in India for Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan, etc. Experiencing that kind of response from Indonesia is like a dream come true for an Indian television actor. Finally, we can say that hard working is paying back in some or other way. I feel that whether it's India or Indonesia if we actors are appreciated for your love and you get so much immense love, I feel it's a blessing and definitely, I thank the whole Indonesian country for watching our shows and loving our work.  
How was your first day shooting over there?
> The first day of shooting over here was very very bizarre because I not used to understand the language of Indonesia, it's called as Bahasa. Understanding the language was very very tough on the first day so I used to had that In Ear in my ears so they used to say the words and I used to pronounce it. Sometimes I used to pronounce the word wrong so they used to make fun of me but everything in a good faith so people used to be entertained. Whenever I used to come on the screen there used to be a lot of shouts and yelling from the audience. So it was a quite experience for me because I have never seen people cheering for me so much for anything back in India so it was fun and it was a new learning experience and slowly and steadily I started getting a few hooks speaking with Indonesian actors. Indonesian actors are very very good. 
How difficult was to act in a show, the language of which doesn’t come naturally to you?
> Yes, when you try to do something out of the box, learn a different language of different countries, it's always difficult. So Bahasa is the one difficult language I feel. It's not easy to learn Bahasa and not even difficult. So I had this acting in Bahasa is different, speaking in Bahasa is different. Of course, we used to be given our content and explained our content, so you need to be acted out. When we cannot speak the language, we don't understand the language the best part was we start speaking in Hindi so audience used to go Gaga over that because they love the Indian language also. So that's the way it was difficult for me and it is still difficult for me but I try to my driver, channel people over there who speak English as well as Bahasa. It's a fun experience to be around here in Indonesia. 
How is to be constantly judged when you make an appearance?
> Judging cannot be stopped, it will be always there and always be all your life whether it's your own people, whether it's your friends or it's your critics. I feel really lucky that my critics give me so much time and talk about me so much. I feel that's the best part that they have so much to talk about you, that means you are doing something good in your life. Whenever I do something new, some how the way people have something in their heads who are judging me, a few eyes rotating around for judging me but that's ok. It's the part of life. Every person is been judged in his/her life in every minute and in every second. So I guess you do your part, you do your best, Let Your Actions Speak Louder than Words and let those actions shut other people's mouth and eyes. 
You’re an ace photographer too. So can you briefly describe your photographic work and style for our readers?

> Talking about my photography, yes, I have not become a photographer but photography is my passion and it all began with my wedding because my wife gifted me a DSLR camera on my wedding night. So that was my first passion provoked by my wife and I feel that it was the newly added talent which was secreted in me. I never did any course of photography, it's just me and my camera and my Model (my wife) who was there with me, keep clicking her and start learning the whole thing. It's been 4 years now that I have been doing photography and still I am learning. I can say that I am not a photographer but I am a decent photographer and I can rate myself 5. With photography, I am trying to learn to edit also because it is, of course, important to be a good photographer but it is more important to be a good editor.

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